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Writer: admin Time:2019-09-18 03:47:34 Browse:1268℃

Environmental water quality monitoring is a growing challenge. Every day a staggering two million tons of human waste and large amount of chemicals are disposed into water systems. Water quality monitoring is incredibly useful for safeguarding the environmental against adverse effects. However, it is not always easy to gather water quality data. While parameters such as pH, temperature, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, and turbidity are essential to characterize the chemical, biological and physical qualities of sample water, other parameters like chlorophyll, BGA, oil-in-water, UV254, can be monitored to provide specific character of sample water. With the advent of new sensor technologies, data telemetry, and wireless communication technology, Yosemite Technologies provides a complete solution to meet the increasing demand for water quality monitoring professionals.   

Water quality monitoring is an essential part of keeping the planet sustainable. As we continue increasing human activities to change the natural environment, water quality monitoring becomes increasingly important. 


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