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Difference Between Purified Water and Distilled Water

Writer: admin Time:2024-07-17 13:29:23 Browse:210℃


1. What is Purified Water?

1.1 Benefits of Drinking Purified Water for People

1.2 Disadvantages of Purified Water

2. What is Distilled Water?

2.1 Benefits of Drinking Distilled Water for People

2.2 Disadvantages of Distilled Water

3. Difference Between Purified Water and Distilled Water

4. Purified and Distilled Water Applications

5. Conclusion


Water is often referred to as the source of all things due to its essential role in life and ecosystems. It is a critical component for the survival of all known forms of life and is involved in countless biological and environmental processes. Water covers about 71% of the Earth's surface and is a vital resource for drinking, sanitation, agriculture, manufacturing, and recreation. So, water quality is crucial for everything.


There are a variety of different types of water, which include:

  • Purified water

  • Mineral water

  • Distilled water

  • Spring water


Understanding the distinctions between different types of water can help identify the best option for your specific needs or intended application. This article explains the difference between distilled water and purified water. 


1. What is Purified Water?

Purified water, as the name suggests, is clean and free from impurities. It is free from additives and meets national drinking water hygiene standards, making it safe for direct consumption. Typically, the water source undergoes multiple purification processes to eliminate impurities, minerals, and harmful substances such as bacteria, viruses, and heavy metals.


1.1 Benefits of Drinking Purified Water for People

Purified water is often considered the healthiest type of water due to its many notable health benefits. While standard tap water is generally safe to drink, it may still contain trace amounts of contaminants, making purified water a recommended choice.

  • Healthier Body: Purified water is free from harmful contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and chemicals, which can lead to various health issues. By consuming purified water, you reduce the risk of waterborne diseases and exposure to toxic substances.

  • Improved Digestion: Drinking enough purified water can aid in digestion by helping to break down food and absorb nutrients. It also prevents constipation by keeping the digestive tract moving.

  • Reduced Risk of Kidney Stones: Adequate water intake, especially of purified water that is low in minerals like calcium, can help prevent the formation of kidney stones by diluting the substances that form them.

  • Support for Immune System: Proper hydration is important for the transportation of nutrients, oxygen, and waste products in the body, which supports a healthy immune system.

  • Dental Health: Purified water without added sugars or acids can help maintain oral hygiene by washing away food particles and preventing tooth decay.


1.2 Disadvantages of Purified Water

  • Missing minerals and trace elements: Drinking only purified water for an extended period of time can lead to a missed opportunity to absorb essential minerals and trace elements found in natural water sources. While our daily diet can provide some of these nutrients, minerals and trace elements in water are in an ionized form, making them easier for the body to absorb and utilize. Additionally, some minerals cannot be produced by the body and are challenging to obtain in sufficient quantities from food alone. Therefore, relying solely on purified water as the primary source of drinking water for an extended period may result in a nutritional imbalance in the body.

  • Disrupting acid-base balance: Purified water is typically slightly acidic, and prolonged consumption may disturb the acid-base balance in the human body. Maintaining the acid-base balance is crucial for normal physiological functions. Imbalance in this aspect may lead to an increased risk of various diseases.


2. What is Distilled Water?

Distilled water is water that has been purified by a process of distillation, which involves boiling the water and then condensing the steam into a clean container. This process removes impurities and minerals from the water, resulting in a purer form of water. Distilled water is often used in medical, laboratory, and industrial settings where pure water is necessary for various applications.


2.1 Benefits of Drinking Distilled Water for People

Purity: Distilled water is free from contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and chemicals that can be harmful to health.

Taste: Without impurities, distilled water can taste clean and refreshing, which may encourage people to drink more water.

Hydration: Distilled water is an excellent source of hydration, which is essential for maintaining the body's fluid balance and supporting overall health.

Cooking: Using distilled water for cooking can prevent the transfer of impurities to food, which is particularly beneficial for making clear broths or when the purity of the water can affect the taste of the dish.

Health Benefits: For individuals with certain health conditions, such as kidney disease or those who need to be on a low-mineral diet, distilled water can be beneficial as it is low in dissolved minerals.

Versatility: Distilled water is not only good for drinking but also for a variety of household uses, such as in irons, humidifiers, and for cleaning purposes.


3. Main Difference Between Purified Water and Distilled Water

The main difference between purified water and distilled water lies in the process used to clean the water and the level of purity achieved.

Purified water is water that has been treated to remove contaminants and impurities. The purification process can involve various methods such as filtration, reverse osmosis, ultraviolet disinfection, and carbon absorption. These methods target specific contaminants and can leave behind certain minerals. Purified water is often used for drinking and everyday household purposes.

Distilled water, on the other hand, is water that has been boiled into vapor and then condensed back into a liquid in a separate container. This process of distillation removes not only contaminants but also minerals, resulting in water that is demineralized and highly pure. Distilled water is often used in medical, laboratory, and industrial applications where high purity is required.


If you want to test the quality of the water to make sure that it’s purified, several Yosemitech sensors can help you measure water quality. For instance, the Yosemitech Y521-A Conductivity Sensor can help you determine how many impurities and contaminants are in your drinking water. You can also detect the pH of the water with the Yosemitech Y532-A Digital pH sensor to make sure that the levels are correct after you have purified the water. Readings between 6.5-8.5 indicate pure water.


4. Purified and Distilled Water Applications

Purified Water Applications:

Drinking water: Purified water is often used as drinking water because it is free from harmful contaminants and may retain essential minerals.

Cooking: It is suitable for cooking as it does not transfer impurities to food and can improve the taste of certain dishes.

Household cleaning: Purified water can be used for cleaning as it is free from contaminants that might otherwise leave streaks or residue.

Aquariums: It is often used in aquariums to provide a clean and safe environment for fish and other aquatic life.

Personal care products: Purified water is used in the production of some personal care items like shampoos and contact lens solutions.


Distilled Water Applications:

Medical use: Distilled water is used in medical settings for procedures that require sterile water, such as cleaning wounds or medical equipment.

Laboratory experiments: It is preferred in laboratories for experiments that require water without impurities or minerals that could interfere with chemical reactions.

Car batteries: Distilled water is used to top up car batteries because it does not contain minerals that could damage the battery cells.

Steam irons and humidifiers: It is often used in these appliances to prevent mineral buildup that can occur with tap water.

Industrial processes: Distilled water is used in various industrial applications where high purity is necessary, such as in the production of electronic components or pharmaceuticals.

Both purified and distilled water have their specific uses based on the level of purity and the presence or absence of minerals.


5. Conclusion

In conclusion, the choice between purified and distilled water depends on individual needs and preferences. Purified water is suitable for most daily consumption, providing health benefits while retaining essential minerals. On the other hand, distilled water, known for its unparalleled purity, is excellent for specific applications that require the highest level of cleanliness.

If you want to learn more about all of the water measurement sensors that we offer at YOSEMITECH, contact us right now!