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TSS in Wastewater

Writer: admin Time:2024-06-05 09:34:17 Browse:264℃

1. What is TSS?

Total suspended solids (TSS) is the dry weight of suspended solids filtered out of a liquid after filtration. The particles that contribute to a solution's total suspended solids content come from a variety of sources, including sediment, silt, sand, algae, bacteria, industrial waste, pollution, etc. TSS is an important parameter for water quality monitoring and wastewater treatment. High TSS levels can impede light penetration in water, which affects photosynthesis in aquatic plants. It can also carry pollutants such as heavy metals, pathogens, and fertilizers, further degrading water quality.


2. Effects of High TSS in Water

High levels of total suspended solids in drinking water or wastewater can have an influence on both the environment and human health.

In terms of water quality, excessive TSS can lower natural dissolved oxygen levels and raise water temperatures. This may hinder aquatic animals like small fish from surviving. TSS may also block sunlight, halting photosynthesis, reducing plant viability, and further lowering water oxygen content.


Total suspended solids in drinking water may also have an impact on human health, depending on the issue at hand. Bacteria and algae, for example, can cause gastrointestinal problems, and pollutants like metals can have major health consequences, including death. Some typical TSS, like as sand and silt, may not be dangerous to humans, but they might cause cosmetic issues with pipes, plumbing, fittings, and water-based devices in the home.


3. How to measure TSS?

Total Suspended Solids (TSS) sensors are devices used to measure the concentration of suspended solids in a liquid, typically in wastewater, industrial effluents, and natural water bodies. These sensors provide continuous, real-time data. TSS usually uses the principle of infrared scattering method.


Understanding and controlling TSS in wastewater is essential for maintaining water quality and the effective functioning of wastewater treatment systems.