TDS and pH are two different indicators of drinking water that need to be tested.TDS is called Total Dissolved Solids, which can be approximated as the salt content of th···
Water quality monitoring buoys to buoys as a carrier, integrated chemical analysis instruments and a variety of water quality sensors, and a combination of data monitorin···
Five indicators routinely used for water quality monitoring:pH: Changes in pH in surface water quality affect the ability of algae to take up oxygen and the sensitivity o···
Measurement principle of Yosemite sensing uv cod measuring instrument: The measurement principle is based on ultraviolet absorption method, and all the way passes through···
The operation of activated sludge process requires the reasonable regulation of many control parameters, including the control of activated sludge concentration (MLSS), w···
The concept of dissolved oxygen can be understood as the amount of free oxygen in water, expressed in DO, in mg/L.Dissolved oxygen plays an important role in actual sewag···
The reason for the sudden rise of COD and BOD in the effluent from the secondary sedimentation tank reflects the failure of sewage treatment. There are external reasons a···
Recently, The R&D team of Ma Jun from CeiBS Membrane Technology Research Institute of Harbin Institute of Technology and Shandong CeiBS Membrane Technology Research C···
Appliances and raw materials requiredAnhydrous sodium sulfite powderDistilled water or deionized water (Watsons distilled Water)Beakers, gloves, stirring rod, air pumpCal···
Before useTake off the protect cap: Please take off the protect cap of Optical dissolved oxygen sensor , before installation and keep them properly for future use.Meanwhi···
Yosemitech Technologies Co., Ltd
Add: Bldg,25,CECEP Industrial Park, No. 18 Dongchang Rd. Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province,China 215126, China